Are you happy with your religion, or have you ever thought there
must be something more?
True spiritual reality cannot be found in traditional religion with its rules and rituals,
dead formalism, man-made authority structure, public worship, group prayer, false prophecy, miracles and lying
wonders, doctrinal statements, self-help classes, recovery groups, multi-media presentations, children's
programs or anything else it might have to offer.
Let me ask you a few more questions.
Do you think there’s any difference between learning about God and really knowing
Him in an intimate relationship that is defined by your experiences with Him?
Do you think God only exists to serve man and his religious programs, or is it
possible that He has a plan of His Own that is directly opposed to what most men believe?
Do you think the only way to approach God is through the rituals, traditions and
group activities of institutional, denominational religion, instead of an individual, personal and private
submission and obedience to Him?
Do you think salvation is not an issue, because God is a benevolent God and everyone
is going to heaven; or that salvation is quick and easy to obtain and impossible to lose, and don’t know that
salvation is a lifelong process of submitting to God so He can change you into the image of His Son?
And do you think traditional, institutional, denominational religion is where you go
to find God and don’t understand that religion in its many forms is never what God intended and is, in fact,
specifically designed by the world, the flesh and the Devil to lead you away from God?
Do you think that everything I’ve said so far sounds sarcastic, hateful or just
downright insane?
If you do, then at least consider that it comes from a guy who was involved in
traditional religion for over 35 years. And what I have to say about religion doesn’t come out of hurt or
anger, but from a genuine love for God, for truth and for those who really want to know Him. But I have to
tell you up front; I didn’t really find God until I was willing to walk away from religion.
The papers you will find on this website will show you some of what God has been
teaching me about Himself and about religion and why one is not the same as the other. If you take the time
to read them, and I hope you will, please have your Bible handy and take the time to read every Scripture
reference you see in bold print. I’m not trying to win any arguments. I’m not trying to gather followers, so
I can start yet another institution. I don’t want to be anyone’s “pastor” in the sense of the professional
clergy that you may be used to. I just want to point you in the right direction.
And I will be your friend and untiring supporter if I even suspect that you might
have a heart for God and the courage to pursue Him. And if you’ll allow me, I’ll try to guide you through
this barren wilderness of religion called Christianity. I welcome your comments and questions.
Your friend and servant,
Ken Brown