
The History of the Ages – Lesson 56

Before we move on in Revelation 19 and the account of Armageddon starting in verse 17, I want to look at some things related to the 2nd coming of Christ. This event signals the end of some things and the beginning of others. Many of the things I’m going to list here will be covered in more detail as we look at the Millennium. But for now, I at least want to mention them to show what an important turning point this is in God’s plan.

First, let’s look at the things that are accomplished or ended by the 2nd coming.

  1. Israel as a nation will never again be dominated or oppressed by the Gentiles. The times of the Gentiles are ended and the Jews will embrace their Messiah and begin to take their place as the spiritual leaders of the earth as God intended. 
  2. Christ destroys the enemies of Israel at Armageddon and demonstrates to the world that He will no longer tolerate any rebellion against Himself or His rule.
  3. Satan and all fallen angels (who have been allowed to operate freely during the last half of the tribulation) are bound in the abyss.

Then, these things are initiated as Christ establishes His earthly kingdom.

  1. Christ judges the living nations to determine who will be allowed to enter His kingdom. We will discuss this later in more detail. But for now just know that there will be those who, although they did not participate in the battle at Armageddon, will be determined by Christ to be supportive of the Antichrist and his program to destroy Israel. They will not be permitted to continue their rebellion. 
  2. Universal worship of Christ will be established. All forms of religion will be banned.
  3. Christ will set up one, worldwide civil government. All nations will submit to this theocracy. There will be no republics or democracies ruled by the will of the people, nor will there be any dictatorships ruled by one man.
  4. All the Jews living in other nations around the world will be gathered back to their homeland.  
  5. Jerusalem will become the capital city of the earth.  
  6. The Jewish temple in Jerusalem will be rebuilt.
  7. David’s throne and kingdom are re-established.
  8. Resurrected saints become Christ’s legal representatives and they will administer His justice to the inhabitants of the earth.
  9. All the nations of the earth will be gathered together and will live in areas of the earth set by boundaries established by Christ.
  10. There will be no disputes between nations and the earth will enjoy universal peace.
  11. There will be universal prosperity. None of the nations will be poor or under-developed, but all will enjoy the material blessings that will accompany this time.
  12. The effects of the curse will be removed. There are several aspects of this that will be discussed later in detail (length of life, health, reproduction, etc).
  13. The Jews will be sent out as missionaries to evangelize the nations.
  14. The Holy Spirit will be more apparent and active than ever before and all nations will know the Lord.
  15. The glory (reality) of God will be manifest continually due to the physical presence of Christ on the earth.