
The History of the Ages – Lesson 68

The last time we looked at Revelation was back in Lesson 58, where we examined 20:4-6. John talks about the completion of the first resurrection or the resurrection of the just in these verses, then his only mention of the Millennium is found in verse 4. So, now we’re ready to take it up again in Revelation 20:7 that starts with the statement, “And when the thousand years are over.” From verse 7 through the end of the chapter with verse 15, John describes two major events. The first is Satan’s final rebellion (verses 7-10) and then the second resurrection or the resurrection of the wicked dead (verses 11-15).

“And when the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his confinement.” (Revelation 20:7) This takes us back to 20:1-3 where Satan was bound and cast into the abyss or bottomless pit. Of course we know that this was done to allow Christ to accomplish all that we have been looking at regarding the Millennium in putting all His enemies down, reversing the effects of the curse and everything else necessary to prepare the new heaven and new earth we will see starting in Revelation 21.

There is one issue we should mention back in Revelation 20:3, where the last part of this verse says, “so he could no longer deceive the nations until the thousand years are over. And after that he must be loosed for a little season.” There is also “short time” in Revelation 12:12 and “short space” in 17:10. There is no way to tell how long the time being described in 20:3 will last. However, the two references in 12:12 and 17:10 we know from the information given are 3 ½ years. Maybe they’re the same, but there’s no way to know for sure.  

This is reasonable when you consider what is taking place. Christ has ruled the earth with the saints and angels with a rod of iron for a thousand years. His enemies have been dealt with. The earth and its inhabitants have seen amazing changes take place. It has been a time of unparalleled spiritual awakening, peace and prosperity. In my mind I cannot imagine that Satan could create and organize the rebellion described here in a very short time. On the other hand, it’s hard to imagine that Christ could be on the earth, in charge, knowing what is going on and allowing it for such a seemingly long time. We’ll have to wait and see.

“And he will go out and deceive the nations that are in the four corners of the earth – Gog and Magog – to gather them for war. And the number of them will be like the sand of the sea.” (Revelation 20:8) First, we have the mention of Gog and Magog. This is not a direct reference to a person. A study of Ezekiel 38-39 will tell you Gog is the Antichrist, who has already been dealt with at Armageddon. Magog is a reference to the area known today as northern Europe and Asia. This verse is simply telling us that the rebels will gather there and then descend on Palestine from the north. How large will this army be? If you do a word study of “sand”, you’ll see it is used symbolically for uncounted multitudes.

“And they swarmed over the broad plain and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city, but fire came down from heaven and consumed them all.” (Revelation 20:9) I think what really happens here is the rebels surround the 60 by 20 mile valley that has been described in a previous lesson. This is the area created by Christ at His coming when the Mount of Olives is split in two creating the valley in preparation for the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the suburbs and farms that will support the city. But, unlike Armageddon, where the affects of the battle will be seen for several years, fire comes down from God out of heaven and the rebels are burned up.  

I can’t help but wonder how this is at all possible. That after a thousand years of Christ being on the earth there would be an army counted as the sand of the sea that long for the rule of Christ to end. I can only imagine that after all that time they still long for the freedom to follow the lusts of their flesh unhindered and without consequences. And, they want it so badly they’re willing to fight against God, Who has proven for all that time He is completely in control. The only conclusion I come to is that when verse 8 says Satan “deceives” the nations, he actually convinces them that God can be defeated. It just shows you how desperate Satan is, because he knows the eternal punishment God had promised him is about to begin.  

“Then the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and false prophet are; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” (Revelation 20:10) You may want to go back to Lesson 57 towards the end where I talk about the beast and false prophet being thrown “alive” into the lake of fire at Armageddon (Revelation 19:20). So, I won’t take the time to explain that again. But here they are 1,000 years later. To me this proves one thing: hell and eternal torment are real. After all that time the beast and false prophet are still there being punished for their rebellion. Now, finally, Satan joins them.  

And, there is another issue that must be mentioned. Though the timing is not exactly clear, all fallen angels must be judged and sent to hell. In the next passage (Revelation 20:11-15) we will see the second resurrection (the resurrection of the wicked dead or the great white throne judgment). In verse 13 is the statement, “death and hell delivered up the dead that were in them’. I’ll explain this in the next lesson, but I point it out here because some of the fallen angels have been held in hell reserved for judgment. This is II Peter 2:4, “For God did not spare the angels that had sinned, but threw them into hell, delivering them to be held in pits of gloom until their time of judgment arrives.” (Compare Jude 6)

There are two things I want to look at here, before we move on. The word translated “hell” above is tartaroo, the verbal form of tartaros. The verb means, “to confine to Tartarus”. This is the only reference in scripture to this place. This is interesting because Tartarus is mentioned prominently in Greek literature as a place lower than hades (hell) and described as a dark place of imprisonment or punishment. In Greek mythology Tartarus is where the primeval deities (known as the Titans) were cast when they lost their war with Zeus. In this mythology the Titans were supposed to be the first inhabitants of the earth, but, in fact, were the giants mentioned in Genesis 6:4 as the “men of old (time), men of renown.”

The connection is clear. The fallen angels responsible for carrying out this Satanic plot (to destroy the seed of the woman so Messiah could not be born, if you need to review this look at Lesson 17) were imprisoned at some point, so they could not continue their activities and as a warning to other angels. As you will find in most ancient cultures, there are some elements of their history that find similarities with the scripture record. 

Then you have “pits of gloom” from seiros, a cavern, and zophos, darkness or gloom (often described as a place of punishment that exists in total darkness, a darkness that can be felt, a place of gloom or despondency, dejection or hopelessness). Taken together, the description of this place seems entirely appropriate. These fallen angels have had all this time to think about the folly of joining Satan in his rebellion. They’ve been held in this place, knowing their fate is sealed – that the day of their final judgment and impending eternal punishment will come and there is nothing they can do to stop it or change the eventual outcome.

Then, we should consider two more references. In Revelation 12:7-9 there was war in heaven and Satan was cast out of heaven and down to earth. Verse 9 says that his angels were cast out with him. Jesus says in Matthew 25:46, in His explanation of the judgment of the living nations following Armageddon, that hell is reserved for the devil and his angels.  

So, there are wicked angels being held in Tartarus and wicked angels that have been assisting Satan all along. At some point, all of them must be judged and sent to hell. And though it’s not exactly clear, this is probably the time. Satan is in hell; the Antichrist and false prophet are in hell. And all the wicked dead are about to be resurrected, judged and sent to hell. This is the final event described by John before the new heaven and new earth.