
The History of the Ages – Lesson 128

Now we will continue with Matthew 24:15 and Jesus’ description of the events and conditions concerning the second half of the tribulation period. This is the great tribulation (Matthew 24:21, Revelation 7:14) that leads to His second coming.

  1. This next point will require some explanation. I should give at least a loose  translation of verse 15. “When you see the abomination that makes desolate standing in the Holy Place, predicted by the prophet Daniel (let the reader recognize and heed this):” The thought started here continues through verse 20, so let’s deal with what we have so far. The “abomination that makes desolate” is predicted in Daniel 9:27, and along with related events, is described in Revelation, chapters 11-14, 20. Again, since this deals with future events, we’ll explain them in detail in later lessons. The short explanation is that in the middle of the 7-year tribulation period the Antichrist will break his 7-year agreement to protect Israel, will come into Jerusalem and establish the city as his capital and the temple as his headquarters. His statue will be erected in the inner sanctuary.  
  2. There is another issue we should note at this time. As already discussed, the Jewish temple was destroyed in 70 AD. Soon after that a Muslim holy site, the Dome of the Rock, was erected on the temple mount in the old city of Jerusalem. This Muslim site must be destroyed and a new Jewish temple erected before the events of the previous point can take place.  
  3. Jesus then continues in verses 16-20 to describe the hurried flight of the Jews from Judea to escape the Antichrist, who now has decided to destroy them. Revelation 12:6, 14 describe this (Israel is the “woman”). These verses explain God will miraculously protect the Jews who flee into the desert for 3½ years to the end of the great tribulation and Jesus second coming to the earth.
  4. “For then will there be such great tribulation as has never been since the beginning of the world until now, and will never be again.” (Verse 21) This is the great tribulation detailed in Revelation 12:1 to 19:21. The events of this time are unprecedented in history. God’s judgments on the enemies of Israel will destroy millions upon millions of people, sometimes in one day caused by a single event. Again, this will be fully explained in future lessons.
  5. Again, the next verse requires some explanation. “And if those days were not curtailed, no one would survive. But for the sake of God’s chosen ones (Israel) those days will be curtailed.” (Verse 22) This verse is not saying the number of days will be curtailed. The great tribulation will still be 3½ years. It’s the persecution of the Jews who failed to flee into the desert and to God’s protection that is curtailed. If it were not for God’s intervention, none of them would survive this time. Some translations have “the elect” where you see “God’s chosen ones (Israel)” above. The “elect” does not refer to the church or any other group. We have to respect the context; Jesus is answering a question posed to Him by Jews (the disciples) about future events concerning Himself and the Jewish nation.
  6. Finally in verses 23-26 there are two things Jesus felt compelled to mention again for emphasis. The first is the false Christs and false prophets. To me this is another testament to the depravity of man and his willingness to take advantage of a situation for his own personal gain. There is no doubt many of those suffering the affects of God’s judgment during this time will seek refuge in false religion and there will be those willing to put themselves forth as Christ or one who has a special message from God. But Jesus’ emphasis here is found in the last phrase of verses 23 and 26, “believe it not”.

On the other hand this will be a very polarizing time. While many will seek after God to escape His judgment, many more will continue to rebel and curse Him for what they know is His judgment (see Revelation 6:12-17, 9:20-21 and 16:8-11, 21 for examples).  

  1. Then the issue that makes this deception all the more difficult to resist is found in verse 24. These false Christs and false prophets are going to have the ability to work convincing miracles. “Signs” is from semeion, the usage of which here indicates satanic power working miracles specifically to deceive. Then, “wonders” is closely akin to signs. Teras literally means, something strange. It is used to describe an event that would cause one to marvel, to be astonished. Paul predicts this in II Thessalonians 2:7-12 (compare Revelation 16:13-16 and 19-20).

Starting in verse 27 Jesus begins to talk to the disciples about the circumstances and timing of His second coming. I’ll just list the following from verses 27-31.

  1. First, Jesus says His coming will be like lightning (verse 27). This is to simply describe it as quick and unexpected. When you look up into a stormy sky during a thunderstorm, it is impossible to predict exactly when lightning will appear.
  2. Verse 28 is a reference to Armageddon. This great battle takes place immediately upon His return and both are described in Revelation 19:11-21. Greater detail of this event from the Old Testament will be given in later lessons.
  3. There are actually 5 different times during the tribulation period when the sun is darkened, the moon cannot give its light and stars fall from the sky. Verse 29 describes the last time. In addition “the powers of the heavens will be shaken”, a reference to the fact that Satan is about to be dealt a major setback (Revelation 20:1-3).
  4. Then verse 30 tells us when Jesus appears in the clouds with power and great glory His enemies will “mourn”, the reason being that even with their great numbers, the spectacle of Jesus coming convinces them they cannot win.
  5. Then the last thing Jesus mentions in verse 31 is the gathering of His “elect” from the 4 corners of the earth. We’ve already identified the elect. The purpose of this gathering of Jews from all over the world is to equip them to become the spiritual leaders of the earth both during the Millennium and into eternity (more on that later).