
The History of the Ages – Lesson 4

The 13 events continue with the rest of part 4, the creation of the spirit realm.

  1. The spirit realm is described in Colossians 1:16 as having four levels or ranks of spirit beings. They are described as “invisible”, as God is described in the same way in verse 15. The word translated “invisible” is aoratos, and literally means “unseen”, not incapable of being seen, different in meaning from “invisible”. (See my article “The Shape of God” for a complete explanation.) The four levels are as follows: (a). Thrones (thronos), the highest rank (probably includes the seraphim, cherubim in Ezekiel and the living creatures in Revelation, and Lucifer). (b). Dominions (kuriotes), the second rank (chief angels, Michael, Gabriel and others). (c). Principalities (arche), those angels which seem to be connected to earthly kingdoms, governments, etc. as seen in the Book of Daniel). (d). Powers (exousia, which means, by permission), the lowest rank, in this case arche grants authority to and commands exousia. We will see the actions of these different levels in some future lessons, so I’ll not give references to these now.
  2. The creation of the earth, Genesis 1:1, “created” is bara, literally, to bring into being, to bring forth something into existence where there was nothing. Then, “earth” in this verse is erets, and means, dry land or inhabitable land. Compare Isaiah 45:18. Also, remember Hebrews 11:3 in Lesson 3, point 3 and compare with Genesis 1:3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, 26 where you find the words, “and God said”Hebrews 11:3 is very specific when it says; “the worlds (aions, again, the ages of time) were framed (katartizo, equipped for their intended purpose) by the word of God”. The creative ability of God is accomplished simply by the words He speaks. We will see this in detail in future lessons on the restoration of the earth in Genesis 1.
  3. The creation of the world (kosmos, here a reference to a social order, a word that describes a race or culture of men). The evidence that a race of men existed before the creation of Adam in Genesis 1:26-27 is associated with passages of Scripture that refer to either the destruction of the first earth or the fall and judgment of Lucifer, who became Satan. We can conclude that this race of men enjoyed a time when there was harmony and peace between God and Lucifer before he conceived the idea of being equal with God, the length of this time cannot be determined.

2 Peter 3:5-7 describes an earth and a race of men that existed before this present earth and this present race of men. Verse 5 says when God first spoke the heavens into existence, the earth (here, ge is the NT equivalent of the OT erets –and describes inhabitable land) was standing out of the water and then it changed and was in the water. In verse 6 the “world” (kosmos, defined above, the race of men) that then existed became overflowed with water and perished (apolluon, means, to kill, to destroy life). Then verse 7 tells us the earth that now exists is preserved in its present state by that same word of God, but will again be destroyed at a time yet future (following the Millennial reign of Christ, the new heaven and earth of Revelation 21:1).

Jeremiah 4:23-26 is similar. Verse 23 uses the same words found in Genesis 1:1, “the earth was (became) without form (tohu, desolate, lifeless) and void (bohu, empty, ruined)”; then says, “and they had no light” (as a practical matter for future reference in this discussion, no light means no heat). Verse 25 says, “there was no man” (inferring that there had been men, but now there wasn’t). Then in verse 26 you see, “all the cities were destroyed” (“destroyed” from nathats, torn down or overthrown) supporting the inference in the previous verse that men and civilizations had been there, but were now gone).

Ezekiel 28:12-19 is a partial description of Lucifer, his earthly kingdom and his eventual judgment and destruction (among other things to be discussed later). In verse 16 we see the phrase “by the multitude of thy merchandise” (where “merchandise” is rekullah, which describes a relationship of an illegal or immoral nature). The pre-Adamic race had been “filled the midst of thee (the earth) with violence” (where “violence” is from chamas, oppression, men taking advantage of other men, in this context when compared to other passages we will see later, it is those who sided with Lucifer’s rebellion oppressing those who refused to follow it).

Lesson 5 will continue with part 7, Lucifer’s reign over the first earth.