
The History of the Ages – Lesson 5

13 Events continued

7. Lucifer’s reign over the first earth and the first race of men. Isaiah 14 contains a prophetic passage that was fulfilled in the days of Cyrus, the King of Persia and Babylon (Ezra 1). But it is also a passage that is rightly considered to be a double reference (as are many other Old Testament passages, including the references to Jeremiah 4 and Ezekiel 28 in Lesson 4) detailing the reign, rebellion and fall of Lucifer (read Isaiah 14:12-17). The “Law of Double Reference” is simply a rule in the study of Scripture that says some passages accurately describe two or more separate events. In the case of Isaiah 14, the passage actually describes (without going into great detail here regarding events not relevant to our discussion) past events concerning Lucifer’s reign over the original earth, more current events having to do with the King of Persia and yet future events regarding the Anti-Christ and Israel’s regathering during the Millennial reign of Christ. This is just another example of the accuracy and detail of the Scriptures and further evidence of the fact that God is in complete control of the unfolding ages of time that He planned.

We will revisit Isaiah 14 to support other events, but for now verse 13 refers to Lucifer’s throne, the symbol of his authority. And as you read further through the passage you’ll see references to the destruction of his kingdom.

Again, in the Ezekiel 28 passage, verse 13 tells us Lucifer was in “Eden, the garden of God”. “Eden” is pardace, from which we get our word paradise. This is the place designated on the earth where God met with the ruler of the earth. During his reign on the earth when he was loyal to God, Lucifer would meet with God in this place. However, after his rebellion, the destruction of the original earth and the restoration, the man Adam met with God in Eden as the then current (yet brief) ruler of the earth. Of course this was before Adam sinned and was forced out of Eden (Genesis 2:15, 3:22-24) and the fallen Lucifer (now called Satan) regained his authority as the prince of this world (John 12:31, 14:30, 16:11)

8. Created angelic beings (the thrones, dominions, principalities and powers described in part 4, Lesson 4) placed over other parts of the universe (Colossians 1:16, Ephesians 1:21, I Peter 3:22). Just as Lucifer’s kingdom was established, other spirit beings were established and given authority over other parts of the universe. (However, Scripture is clear that the authority of Jesus Christ exceeds them all. “All power is given to Me in heaven and in earth.” (Matthew 28:18) Here, “power” is from exousia, authority, literally, the power to do anything.)  

A good example of this angelic authority is found in the Book of Daniel. In Daniel 10:12-14 we see the angel Gabriel (the same as is found in Daniel 8:16) coming to make Daniel understand the meaning of a vision, but was detained by the (fallen) angel who was over the Persian Empire. Michael, the angel over Israel (Daniel 10:21) had to come and help Gabriel. Evidently the fight wasn’t over, because Gabriel says in verse 20 that he is going to return to fight the prince of Persia. There are several references to these angelic battles (between good and evil), the most notable in the Book of Revelation having to do with the final defeat of Satan and his evil forces leading to the eternal state and everything in the universe being back in harmony with God (this is the purpose of God’s plan of redemption – to bring everything back into harmony with Him as it was before Lucifer rebelled (just remember, this rebellion hasn’t happened yet and won’t until part 10).

  1. God reigns in harmony over the universe He had created. In the passage found in Ezekiel 28, Lucifer is described in verses 12-15 as being a special creation. In verse 15 you see the phrase “you were perfect in your ways since the day you were created”. “Perfect” is the Hebrew tamin, meaning, spiritually and morally upright, and blameless. And “ways” is dherekh, which means, conduct and in some places is rightly translated, worship. In other words, there was a period of time (duration unknown), when Lucifer was loyal, obedient and submitted to God.

Are you still being careful to read all the Scripture references in these lessons? This is extremely important because your mind is like a computer. The Holy Spirit cannot cause you to remember something that you have not already deposited in your mind. And part of His ministry, as you will learn, is to cause you to remember what you have learned (John 14:26). The more you learn of Him, the more He is able to guide and protect you as you strive to serve God and live in this world.

Lesson 6 will continue with Part 10, Lucifer conceives the idea that he can overthrow God and become ruler of the universe.