
The History of the Ages – Lesson 6

13 Events continued

  1. Lucifer conceives the idea that he can exalt himself above God and become ruler of the universe.  Pride was Lucifer’s downfall (I Timothy 3:6, Ezekiel 28:17). In Isaiah 14:13-14 there are 5 statements that express Lucifer’s ambition. They are: (a.) “I will ascend into heaven”. Heaven is the dwelling place of God (I Kings 8:30), somewhere in the north part of the universe (Psalms 75:6-7). Lucifer’s throne was on earth, he wanted it to be in heaven. (b.) “I will exalt my throne above the stars of God”. The stars of God are other designated areas of spiritual authority in the universe (Daniel 8:10, also, remember part 8 in Lesson 5). Lucifer wanted to have authority over them all. (c.) “I will sit upon the mount of the assembly in the uttermost north”.  The mount of the assembly or congregation is the place where the inhabitants of heaven gather to worship God (Revelation 7:9-16). Lucifer wanted to be the object of worship in this place. (d.) “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds.” Lucifer’s kingdom was on the earth, under the clouds. He wanted it to be more extensive, far beyond what God had given him. (e.) “I will be like the Most High.” The word translated “be like” is damah and means, to be equal by comparison. Lucifer’s desire was to be considered by all of God’s creation to be equal with God; he wanted to be added to the Trinity.
  2. In his rebellion, Lucifer carries out a campaign of slander against God and violence against his own kingdom on the earth. (a.) Depending on the translation of Ezekiel 28:16, 18, in these two verses you will find the words merchandise, traffic, trade or commerce. All are translated from the same word, rekullah, a word (again) used to describe immoral, and unethical or illegal relations. Here, it describes the campaign of slander carried out by Lucifer against God. This had two major effects: worship of God on earth was destroyed (vs. 18); one-third of the angels rebelled with him against God (Revelation 12:4,7-9). (b.) In Isaiah 14:16, 17, and 20 we find the following: (verse 16) “who made the earth tremble and shook kingdoms”.  “Shook” is ra’ah and describes the destruction of Lucifer’s earthly kingdom. (Verse 17) “Made the world a wilderness”. The word for “world” is tevel, which is always used to describe the earth and its inhabitants. The verse continues, “And would not open the house of his prisoners.” Lucifer imprisoned those in his kingdom who refused to join his rebellion against God. Then, (verse 20) “You have destroyed your land and slain your people.” Here, “destroyed” is shacath, to ruin as a result of evil or wickedness. A further note: Jesus in John 8:44 says of Satan, “He was a murderer from the beginning.” “Murderer” is anthropoktonos, literally, a manslayer. “From the beginning” is aparches, and should be translated, from a beginning, which was not really a beginning (again, from a previous lesson, a word that is used in Scripture to describe a fixed period of time, in this case referring to Genesis 1:1 and the original earth, Lucifer’s kingdom and the race of men over which he ruled).
  3. Lucifer openly breaks relations with God, mobilizes his army of rebel angels and attempts to establish his throne in heaven. He is cast out of heaven and down to the earth (Isaiah 14:12, Luke 10:18). This battle was probably similar to the one that is yet to take place in the middle of the 7-year tribulation period, as described in Revelation 12:7 (something we’ll look at much, much later).

Lesson 7 will continue with part 13